Google Drive Sync Files Outside Folder on Windows in 6+ Free Ways

Please try the following 6 ways to let Google Drive sync folders outside the Google Drive folder, and learn how to get more free space for Google Drive.


by Ailsa Lasted Updated October 8, 2024

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How to Sync Folders Outside the Google Drive Folder?


How to make Google Drive sync files outside folder?

I installed Google Drive and want to use it to backup some folders outside Google Drive folder, I cannot get it to use these different folders because I can only set one folder in Google Drive Backup and Sync app. I tried to create junctions and hard links to the outside folders, but it does not work. Please help, Thanks.

- Question from

Is there a way to make Google Drive sync files outside Google Drive folder? Definitely, let’s look inside.

What Folders Does Google Drive Sync?

For Google Drive personal account, you could sync some or all your folders on your computer to Google Drive.

For Google Drive work account or school account, you can only sync the following folders or devices to Google Drive:

  • Documents

  • Desktop

  • USB devices and SD cards.

  • Your photos and videos to Google Photos.

  • Shared drive folders.

Google Drive Sync Outside Folder for Personal Account in 3 Ways

To sync folders outside the Google Drive folder, there are multiple ways for you to make it, just keep reading.

Way 1. Add Folders to Google Drive Sync Settings

Please change the sync settings in Google Drive for desktop app like the following steps to sync files outside the Google Drive folder:

1. Please install Google Drive for desktop on your Windows Computer. And log in to your Google Drive account.

2. Then click the Google Drive icon in the system tray, and choose the Settings icon > Preferences.

Google Drive Preferences

3. At the My Computer tab, select Add folder in the My Computer section to choose any folders outside the Google Drive folder and hit the Select Folder button.

Google Drive Add Folder to Cloud

4. Tick the Sync with Google Drive option, and hit Done to sync a specific folder to Google Drive.

Sync Folders Outside The Google Drive Folder

If you want to sync more folders to Google Drive automatically, just repeat steps 3 and 4 to add other folders to sync.

Note: You could click the Settings icon, tick Upload screenshots, and Upload RAW files options in File types under the Google Photos section to sync other folders outside the Google Drive folder to Google Photos, and click Save

Upload Screenshots And RAW Files

Way 2. Move Any Folders to Google Drive Folder

Once you installed Google Drive for desktop app on your computer, your Google Drive will create a Google Drive disk, and you could use the disk to sync files outside the Google Drive folder to upload files to Google Drive, detailed steps are listed below:

1. Please double-click the Google Drive disk on your computer to open the Google Drive folder.

2. Open another Windows File Explorer window and locate the files and folders that you want to sync to Google Drive.

3. Use drag and drop (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V or Copy + Paste) to sync files and folders outside the Google Drive folder.

It's quite easy, but if there are many files and folders that you need to sync located at multiple locations, you have to repeat the process to add other files to Google Drive, it's time-consuming and not recommended.

Way 3. Upload Files/Folders to the Google Drive Website

1. Please log in to Google Drive website, and hit + New or My Drive button.

2. Select File upload or Folder upload in the context menu.

Upload Folder to Google Drive

3. Choose the files or the folders you want to sync to Google Drive, then hit Open or Upload to sync files or folders that are outside the Google Drive folder.

This way allows you to upload a maximum file size is 5TB, it's quite useful.
You could drag and drop the files and folders to the Google Drive website to upload them all.

Sync Folders Outside the Google Drive for Work and School Account in 2+ Ways

As we all know, Google Drive File Stream and Google Backup and Sync are consolidated into Google Drive for desktop. So, If you want to sync other folders outside of Google Drive folder, you have to install Google Drive for desktop, and then let Google Drive sync outside the folder like the above steps. By the way, you may want to know the difference of Google Drive for Desktop and Google Backup and Sync.

Besides the above ways, your Google Workspace account (including Work, School, a club, family, or friends account), once you installed Drive for desktop, you have two folders on your computer:

  • My Drive
  • Shared Drives

Except for moving files to the My Drive folder, you can try the following ways to make it:

Way 1. Move files to Shared Drives on your computer to upload folders outside the Google Drive folder.

Way 2. Upload files and folders outside the Google Drive folder to Shared Drive on the Google Drive website.

Best Free Way to Sync Files Outside Google Drive Folder

Fortunately, there is another free cloud sync software - CBackup, which is available to sync any folders to Google Drive, within or outside Google Drive folder on the Windows computer. Please download the CBackup desktop app to have it a go.

Step 1. Please download and install the CBackup software, please create a new CBackup account, then please sign in.

Download CBackupWin 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

Step 2. Click Storage > choose Google Drive and click Authorize Now, then follow the steps to grant CBackup to access your Google Drive files. And complete the Google Drive information on CBackup.

Select Google Drive

Step 3. Click Sync > Sync PC to Public Cloud to create a sync task.

Sync PC to Public Cloud

Step 4. Choose folders that are out of the Google Drive folder on your computer, and select a Google Drive folder as the destination.

Start Sync Folder Outside Google Drive Folder

Tips: Settings allows you to set up a scheduled sync, which allows you to sync files to Google Drive on a regular basis, like Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, or send you emails about the sync process, excluding or including file types as you like to sync.

Step 5. Press Start Sync to make Google Drive sync files outside folder easily.

How to Get Unlimited Google Drive Storage Space for Free?

Now, Google Drive has canceled the unlimited storage space on June 1st, 2021. Since then, you cannot get unlimited Google drive space. If you store photos and videos frequently in Google Photos, you might find Google drive storage full in a few days later. Fortunately, CBackup could help you to increase Google Drive storage space for free easily.

Ensure you have multiple Google Drive accounts, then take the following steps:

Step 1. Please sign in to CBackup desktop app. Repeat step 2 to add other Google Drive accounts.

Step 2. Then please go to Storage > + Add Combined Cloud.

My Storage New Combined Cloud

Step 3. Then tick all Google Drive accounts and click Next, then change Google Drive order to store backup files and click Combine

Tick All Google Drive Accounts

Then your Google Drive account will be increased. To get unlimited Google Drive storage, please add unlimited Google Drive accounts to CBackup. Then sync files to Google drive for free.

Besides, CBackup has the following useful features:

Backup files to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Combined cloud, or cloud easily, and backup settings like schedule backup, email notification, or file filter to improve your backup experience.
Backup or sync files from one cloud to another easily without downloading or re-uploading files.
Provides you 5GB of free cloud storage space of cloud, and you could upgrade to 1TB or 10TB to protect more files.
Sync files to mainstream clouds, like OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.

The Epilogue

There are 3 ways to let Google Drive sync outside folder easily, please try the above steps in the guide. If the Google storage is full, please try CBackup to get more free space for Google Drive, even unlimited storage space.

Ailsa · Editor
Ailsa is an editor of CBackup, she has a good insight into cloud backup and cloud drive management, data backup and restore, and other data protection measures. She is pleasure in helping readers to solve computer problems. She loves shopping, traveling, and other beautiful things.

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