3 Easy Ways: How to Upload Large Files to Google Drive

On this page, you will learn some useful ways to upload large files to Google Drive. You will know what is the limitation of your large files to Google Drive as well.


by Roxanne Lasted Updated September 26, 2024

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Key Takeaways:

  • Google Drive file size limit is 5 TB, in addition, the maximum size of files uploaded to Google Drive per day is 750 GB.
  • This guide provides three ways to upload large files to Google Drive, including using a desktop application, through a website, or using a faster method - backup and sync software.
  • Rely on drive uploader - CBackup, you can break Google Drive's maximum file size and storage limits.

How do I transfer large files to Google Drive?


How transfer large files to Google Drive from my PC? I'm looking for a way to upload large files up to my Google Drive folder. I've played with some other apps but they are unreliable for large transfers (lots of -36 errors) and also seem to want to copy everything to a temp folder on the drive.

- Question from Reddit

Upload Large Files to Google

As a mainstream cloud drive, Google Drive has become the choice of many users to upload files. You may upload documents to Google Drive for better data protection and more storage space. You will inevitably generate large files on your computer in work and life. Suppose you also want to know how to upload large files to Google Drive. In that case, there are generally three ways to do it: upload the files on the website, download the Google Drive for Desktop app for uploading, or use a free and simple tool to help you do automatic large file uploads to Google Drive regularly.

3 different ways to upload large files to Google Drive

How to send large files through Google Drive? Here come 3 different but useful ways to upload large files to Google Drive manually or automatically. You can choose the one that suits you best for your large files such as upload large video to Google Drive.

Way 1. Upload large files to Google Drive fast - Recommend

If you want to upload your files to Google Drive regularly and automatically without effort, there is the best way to upload large files to Google Drive - an easy tool called CBackup.

CBackup can create auto sync folders to Google Drive and auto sync files to Google Drive with simple operating steps. Once you create an automated sync task, CBackup will sustainably sync your files to Google Drive with the frequency you set. What’s more, there is no limitation on the size of files to upload to Google Drive in CBackup. You can upload as many large files as you have to Google Drive fast via CBackup.

In addition, CBackup provides many professional cloud services for free:

Backup to public cloud: CBackup allows you to backup data from PC to different mainstream cloud drives, including Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and so on.
Cloud to cloud sync: The cloud to cloud sync feature in CBackup can help you to directly transfer files between two different cloud drive accounts for free at a high speed. You do not need to upload and download your files for many times.
Combine cloud storage: To get more free cloud storage space, you can merge unlimited cloud storage accounts to one combined cloud for a larger cloud storage space.

Here is the easy guide to uploading large files to Google Drive via CBackup:

1. Download and install the CBackup desktop app on your PC. Sign up for a new account and launch it to log into your account.

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2. Click on the Storage tab, and choose Google Drive > Authorize Now. Please follow the step-by-step instructions to grant CBackup access to your Google Drive account.

Select Google Drive

3. Click on the Sync tab > Sync PC to Public Cloud.

Sync Pc To Public Cloud

4. Choose large files on your PC as the sync source. Then select the folder in your Google Drive account as the sync destination.

Start Sync To Google Drive

5. Next, you can click the Settings button to enable the Scheduler feature to make your sync task regular and automated, which can save much time and effort for you.

Sync Scheduler

7. At last, press the Start Sync button to upload your large files to Google Drive fast.

Way 2. Upload large files to Google Drive with its desktop app

Google Drive provides a desktop program called Drive for desktop, which was called Google Backup and Sync before. After downloading and installing it on your PC, you can backup and sync photos, videos, documents, etc. to Google Drive with this tool. Let's see how to send large files to Google Drive with it:

1. Download and install Drive for Desktop on your computer first.

2. Press Sign in with browser and sign into your Google Drive account.

Drive For Desktop Sign In With Browser1

3. Click the My Computer tab > choose Add folder to select the folder that contains your large files.

Add Folder

4. Choose Sync with Google Drive and Done in the pop-up window. Then click on Save to confirm the upload task.

Click Save

5. Press START to upload your large files to Google Drive and the process may take a while.

Tip: There will be a Google Drive disk on your computer once you set up your Google Drive for Desktop. If you want to upload your large files to Google Drive manually, go to the Google Drive disk and drag your large files to the folder in it directly.

Google Drive Disk

Way 3. Upload large files to Google Drive via the website

How to upload big files to Google Drive without the desktop program? You can consider uploading files via the Google Drive website. On the Google Drive page, you can upload files on My Drive or upload files to shared Google Drive.

1. Go to the Google Drive website and log into your Google Drive account.

2. Click on the My Drive tab on the left menu, choose Upload files or Upload folder in the pop-up window.

3. Select your large files then, and click on Upload to begin the task.

Upload Files To Googledrive

Note: The maximum individual file size that you can upload or synchronize to Google Drive is 5 TB. If you upload a text document to Google Docs format, the file can be up to 50 MB. If you upload a presentations document to Google Slides format, the file can be up to 100MB.

Advanced: Get more Google Drive storage for large files

Since you have many large files to upload, you may need more cloud storage to save them. In CBackup, you can use the combined cloud storage feature to merge unlimited Google Drive accounts to a combined cloud with larger cloud storage space. Also, you can merge some cloud drive accounts from different cloud drives like OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. Even you can form an unlimited cloud storage space with such a free feature. Here is the easy tutorial for that:

The tool supports both web and desktop versions, so you can choose the right way to use it according to your needs.

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1. Likewise, click on the Storage > + Add Cloud button. Select Google Drive and click on Add. You can add as many Google accounts as you have.

2. Click on the Storage tab > + Add Combined Cloud.

Add Combined Cloud1

3. Tick the boxes next to the Google Drive accounts that you want to merge, and then click on Next. After determining the order of your Google Drive accounts, choose Combine to get a new combined cloud.

Combine Google Drive

4. Now, you have a Combined Cloud in your clouds list. You can go to Backup > Backup PC to Combined Cloud. Then choose the Combined Cloud as a backup destination while creating a PC cloud backup task to enjoy huge backup space for free.

Add Destination Combined Cloud


Now, you may know how to upload large files to Google Drive. You can choose the more convenient way for your large files like CBackup. With it, you can upload large files to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, directly and easily. And it provides many useful features for free.

FAQs About How to Upload Large Files to Google Drive

1. What is the largest file size I can upload to Google Drive?

The maximum file size you can upload to Google Drive is 5 TB, as long as you have enough storage space in your Google Drive account. However, if you're uploading files to Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides, the maximum size is limited to 50 MB for documents, 100 MB for presentations, and 10 GB for spreadsheets.

2. Why are large files not uploading to Google Drive?

Large files may not upload to Google Drive for several reasons:

  • Insufficient Storage: You may have exceeded your storage limit.
  • Internet Connection: A slow or unstable internet connection can cause uploads to fail.
  • File Format: Certain file types may not be supported for upload.
  • Browser Issues: Sometimes, using an outdated browser or clearing cache and cookies can resolve upload problems.
  • Antivirus/Firewall Settings: Security software may interfere with the upload process.

3. How do I upload bulk data to Google Drive?

To upload bulk data to Google Drive, you can follow these steps:

  • Using the Google Drive Website: Go to the Google Drive website, click on the "+ New" button, then select "File upload" or "Folder upload" to upload multiple files or a whole folder at once.
  • Using the Google Drive App: If you have the Google Drive desktop app installed, you can simply drag and drop files or folders into your Google Drive folder on your computer, and they will sync automatically.
  • Using Backup and Sync: Google’s Backup and Sync tool allows you to upload entire folders from your computer to Google Drive, making it easier to manage bulk data.
Roxanne · Editor
Roxanne is an English editor of AOMEI Technology. She has got thorough training in offering solutions to common computer issues. With systematic training, her articles have helped the many users who need to be plagued by computers. In her spare time, Roxanne loves to paint pictures and read books.

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